Cesium Fallout 《焚城》

Category : Distribution
Country : Hong Kong

Directed by : 潘耀明 Anthony Pun
Production Year : 2024
Release Date : 7 November 2024
Running Time : 138 minutes
Cast : 刘德华 Andy Lau, 白宇 Bai Yu and 莫文蔚 Karen Mok


In 1996, Financial Secretary Simon Fan’s inspection exemption for shipping containers led to a tragic fire at Kwai Chung Container Terminal, claiming the life of his wife, which sparked a bitter feud with his brother-in-law,firefighter Kit Li. A decade later, a fire at a recycling plant reveals radioactive readings, prompting a citywide emergency declaration as panic ensues. Simon, now a disaster recovery consultant, discovers the plant is owned by the same group responsible for the earlier disaster. To contain the crisis, he proposes detonating nearby structures to create a vacuum, but faces legal hurdles involving the current Financial Secretary, Cecilia Fong. As Kit and his team bravely attempt to implement this dangerous plan, the fate of Hong Kong hangs in the balance, raising questions about accountability for past corruptions. 在1996年,财政司司长 Simon 的检查豁免政策导致了九龙货柜码头的一场 悲惨火灾,夺去了他的妻子性命,这引发了他与消防员之间的激烈冲突。十 年后,回收厂发生火灾,检测出放射性读数,导致全城进入紧急状态,民众陷 入恐慌。如今已退休的 Simon 作为灾后恢复顾问,发现该厂由与之前灾难相 关的同一集团拥有。为了控制危机,他提议引爆附近的建筑物以创造真空, 但面临财政司司长方芷琪的法律障碍。与此同时,李杰和他的团队勇敢地尝 试实施这一危险计划,香港的命运悬于一线,过去的腐败行为能否得到问责 引发了深思。

Production Still