Set in Singapore in 1979, A Year Of No Significance chronicles the gradual disintegration of a middle-aged architect as changes rock the 45th year of his life. Sidelined in the office because of his inability to speak English, Lim Cheng Soon is cut further adrift when his wife leaves him inexplicably one day. His elderly father moves in, forcing him to confront the fact that the former has always preferred his younger brother. Robbed of his identities as architect, husband and son, Cheng Soon struggles in the dusk of his life, raging against the dying light. 发生于1979的新加坡,《大风吹》描述一名中年建筑师在他四十五岁那年面临的改变与脱节。在公司里,因为不明白英文而被排挤在外的林诚顺,回到家里依然缺乏归属感。他的妻子不加解释的离开后,他年老的父亲搬了进来和他一起住。诚顺因此被逼面对多年来自己对父亲宠溺弟弟的心情。建筑师,丈夫和儿子,当这重重身份都被夺走后,诚顺在他生命中的黄昏挣扎。