The Diam Diam Era Two 《我们的故事之沉默的年代2》

Category : Production
Country : Singapore

Directed by : Jack Neo
Production Year : 2020
Release Date : 11 February 2021
Running Time : 91 minutes
Cast : Mark Lee 李国煌, Richie Koh 许瑞奇, Danny Lee 李博翔, Meixin Macy 美心, , Henry Thia 程旭辉, Wang Lei 王雷, Yap Hui Xin 叶慧馨, Regina Lin 林昀憓, Suhaimi Yusof, Silvarajoo Prakasam


The story continues with Ah Kun, Osman and Shamugam forming a political party C.M.I to contest in the 1988 General Election. The fervant of campaigning has swept up both Ah Kun's and Zhao Di's family. As Ah Kun thinks of many ways to garner support, will both families be dragged in as well? Can Ah Kun really win the election? 阿坤为了角逐自己居住的集选区议席,找来 Osman 和 Shamugam 两位异族好友,自组反对党竞选团队去挑战大选。究竟阿坤这群乌合之众,最终能否如愿赢得竞选而进入国会,实现自己心目中虚无缥缈的乌托邦? 顺发和永兴之间的兄弟恩怨会否得以化解?阿坤和永兴这一对政见不同的父子又会否冰释前嫌? 伴随着阿坤与顺发两代人在整个 80 年代的成长脚步,共同见证新加坡人是如何在短短的十多年间,创造了经济奇迹,跻身亚洲四小龙之一。《沉默的年代 2》为您重现那一段塑造辉煌的岁月。

Click Here To Book Tickets:

- Cathay Cineplexes
- Golden Village Cineplexes
- Shaw Theatres
- FilmGarde Cineplexes
- WE Cinemas
- EagleWings Cinematics

Production Still