Mad World 一念无明

Category : Distribution
Country : Hong Kong

Directed by : Wong Chun
Written by : Florence Chan
Produced by : Golden Scene
Production Year : 2017
Release Date : 22 June 2017
Running Time : 101 minutes
Cast : Shawn YUE, Eric TSANG, Elaine JIN, Charmaine FONG


“To avoid, or to confront? To deny, or to embrace? To give up, or to make a change?” The film begins with an old man who has long been absent as a father (Eric TSANG), picking up his son (Shawn YUE), who is suffering from bipolar disorder, from a mental hospital. Both men are in deep remorse for the accident that caused the death of the mother (Elaine JIN). The tension and anxiety boil as they stay with each other in a tiny subdivided flat. As time passes, they realize the pain between one another is not the only confrontation that awaits them; but also to face the cruel and unjust world that they are living in. 回避还是直面,否定还是拥抱,放弃还是改变。 阿东(余文乐 饰)患有躁郁症,因父亲离家不顾,独力照顾饱受病患折磨的母亲 (金燕玲 饰)。母子二人情绪互相牵引激化,犹如漫长的困兽斗。一天,阿东如 常替失禁的母亲冲洗,拉扯间发生意外,导致母亲死亡。阿东的父亲大海(曾志 伟 饰)惊觉一直逃避的问题发酵成了悲剧。独居多年的他在愧疚和孤独驱使 下,应医院建议,接阿东到自己的板间房暂住。 故事从这里开始。两个背负沉 重愧疚的大男人只剩下对方,对方却是自己最不能面对的过去。当二人一步一 步走出过去的阴霾和枷锁,在狭缝间建立关系,更大的压迫却来自社会。

Production Still