Category : Production
Country : Singapore

Directed by : Randy Ang, Daniel Yun
Written by : Andrew Ngin Chiang, Meng, Randy Ang, Daniel Yun
Produced by : Daniel Yun, Ng Say Yong
Production Year : 2015
Running Time : 130 minutes
Cast : Lim Kay Tong as LEE KUAN YEW, Qi Yu Wu as INSPECTOR CHENG, Joanne Peh as ZHOU JUN, James Seah as SENG, Deanna Yusoff as Deanna Yusoff, Sezairi Sezali as ADI, Mike Kasem as RAJ


‘1965’ is a riveting dramatic thriller that uses a piece of Singapore history like never before. Telling engaging and touching stories of immigrants and natives; how a group of people, divided by race, language and religion, saw their lives profoundly transformed by a defining moment in history. Their paths will cross and clash in the race riots in the months leading to the separation between Singapore and Malaysia, to the independence of a nation. 1965 是一部描写新加坡如何走过动荡不安的年代,迈向独立的电影。当时的新加坡在面对种族的分歧、不同的语言和宗教信仰的差异和冲突,引发了种族暴动,人们过着水生火热之中,生活非常艰辛。电影通过不同种族的主角,看他们如何摆脱各种困难,撇开各种种族差异,团结起来,带领新加坡走向独立的道路。

Production Still